IT Services

Duane's Reliable Computer Services
Duane's Reliable Computer Services is a mobile/remote company. We specialize in being the IT department for small businesses. We have helped small businesses all over the country with their computer/technology needs.
(720) 219-6720contact@duanesreliablecomputerservices.comhttps://callduane.comCost Recovery Services
Covenant Solutions, Inc.
Covenant Solutions specializes in Incident Response Cost Recovery for Fire Departments and Rescue Squads.
(866) 259-1391http://csrevenue.comHuntsville AL, 35815

Fire Recovery USA
Fire Recovery USA is the nation's largest cost recovery company created to serve fire departments across the U.S. Since 2006, we have provided cost recovery services to departments in 42 states, and are the leading provider in incident cost recovery in the nation.
(888) 640-7222https://firerecoveryusa.comRoseville, CA 95661-3065

Fire and Rescue Billing, LLC
Fire Rescue Billing, LLC is a West Virginia company specializing in recovering costs for incidents that your fire department responds. This will help bring an extra revenue stream into your budget that most departments do not take advantage of.
(800) 650-1597FireRescueBilling@gmail.comhttps://firerescuebilling.comCharleston, WV 25360